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June 1, 2023
John Rizvi, Esq.

Why going for your local patent attorney may not be the best choice?

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Hi, I'm John Rizvi, the patent professor. Did you know that at one time, the patent office required inventors to bring a working model or a prototype of their invention to the patent office. It also was common for patents to be hand delivered. Because of this, patent attorneys put up with high rents so that they could be close to the patent office. Today, working models or prototypes are not allowed, and everything is done electronically. However, most patent attorneys are still in big cities with a concentration in New York, Washington, DC, and Silicon Valley. Until recently, an inventor had two options to get a patent, they could fly to go see a patent attorney that was an expert. This usually meant they had to take time off from work and pay for expensive flights and travel expenses. The other option was to make do with the closest local patent attorney, many inventors ended up settling for someone that was close to where they live, and that they thought was good enough. The wonder that is the Internet has changed everything. And inventors from anywhere can work with me through their phones, fax machine and email. They can send me pictures or video of their product with their smartphones. And we can have video conferences. By moving my office to Florida, I no longer have to pay New York City rent and can charge reasonable fees. And it means I can throw away my snow shovel and live closer to my parents. Inventors no longer have to settle for good enough. Work with me, the patent professor and let me make patents easy for you.

© Copyrights 2024. The Idea Attorneys (The Patent Professor®). All Rights Reserved.
The Idea Attorneys

10394 W Sample Rd #201,
Coral Springs, FL 33065, United States

(954) 908-6291https://ideaattorneys.dev.bestseocompanytampa.com/

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At the law offices of John Rizvi, P.A. - The Idea Attorneys®, we have dedicated our practice exclusively to securing and preserving the intellectual property rights of our clients, including patent, trademark, copyright, trade secret, unfair competition, and franchising matters.
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Florida Patent, Trademark & Copyright Attorneys | Call 954-452-0033
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