He's putting out a patent for some of the stuff that I come up with is a complete and utter waste of time for me just absolutely makes absolutely no sense there are just not going to do it. It's my best bet if I want to protect myself, and this is something that an awful lot of backstreet sounds awful. Not a lot of garden shed inventors do it, just keep quiet about it. If you keep quiet about it, then nothing's gonna happen. Nobody knows you're doing it. Nobody can actually steal the idea, but it does nobody any good either.
Okay, first, again, yes, you can keep quiet about an idea. But how are you going to make money from an idea if you keep it quiet. In order to really make money from a product, you've got to sell the product and the instant you start sales. What is going to stop a huge manufacturer from flooding the market with low cost competitors, competing products. So keeping quiet is not a viable option. You have to get the patent.