The Patent Professor: Your brand is not enough to impress a shark.
Shark: What's the difference between your stuff and the millions of other products—
Shark: Wait, let me answer: nothing.
Contestant: No, that's not true actually.
Shark: Well, what is it?
Contestant: So, the difference is: it's a brand. You also—
Shark: I don’t know that you Kinny Couture brand, not at $90,000 a year in sales. You have no brand.
The Patent Professor: You're going to have to set yourself apart from the competition, and the brand is not enough. A competitor, perhaps one with deep pockets, is going to be able to outspend you and out-market you, and get around your rights. What sharks want to see is: Do you have proprietary rights? Do you have something that gives you exclusive rights to your idea that nobody else can take?