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July 31, 2023
John Rizvi, Esq.

Why You Must Protect Your Intellectual Property Rights | Dangers of IP Threats 877-728-7763

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You wouldn't leave your car unlocked, and you wouldn't leave your home security system unarmed either. In both instances you understand the dangers of leaving your property unsecured, because property can be stolen or damaged and loved ones can get hurt. dangerous threats and misfortune can happen when you don't protect your ideas to your original ideas are your intellectual property, and your intellectual property includes patents, trademarks, copyrights, and when properly protected, you have exclusive rights to the use of your creation. There are three main threats you face when you don't protect your intellectual property. Number one lack of exclusivity. You cannot exclusively own your intellectual property if you do not protect it correctly. There are common myths and misinformation circulating about how to obtain protection for a patent, trademark and copyright. submitting an application with the United States Patent and Trademark Office or with the US Copyright Office is your best route towards getting legally protected property. Number two, and number three, loss of revenue and property being stolen. No one wants to lose money. But that is a possible threat when your intellectual property isn't protected. Imagine pursuing your invention without a patent and having the competition a bigger and more established brand. steal your idea. Now failure to properly protect your intellectual property can lead to your property being stolen, millions of dollars could be lost. This unfortunate situation was the case for Catherine Hettinger, inventor of the fidget spinner. She lost out on millions of dollars after failing to pay the maintenance fees for her patent. Don't lose out on revenue or get your ideas stolen from right under you. Your intellectual property rights serve as a means to safeguard your ideas, your original artwork and your inventions. It's no different than a car alarm, a fire alarm or a home security system. The worst place to be in is to find yourself in a dangerous situation, unarmed or unprepared to protect yourself. But you can be proactive, and intellectual property attorney can help you identify, protect and enforce your IP rights. Whether you're seeking protection with a patent, trademark, copyright, or all three, my staff and I can help you drop a comment if you have a question or call my office at 1877. Patent professor. If you want to see more videos like this, subscribe to this channel and give it a thumbs up

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