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July 20, 2023
John Rizvi, Esq.

When Naming a Book, Can I Use a Title That’s Similar to, or a Variation of, an Existing Book Title?

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He wants to know regarding book titles go, can you use a variation of an existing title? For example, misadventures in sailing instead of the existing adventures and say, like, am I subjecting myself to litigation? Gosh, let me Jenny Sarita. Jenny's gonna be getting her exercise today. Can you run and get a copy of my book Thinking grow rich? The short answer for it's in the it's in the office, lunch room, there's a bookshelf there thinking Grow Rich for inventors. And Napoleon Hill's book is called Think and Grow Rich. But the copyright had expired. So there's no protection for titles of books. So if the copyright on the books expired, oh, thank you, Jenny. There it is, thinking Grow Rich for inventors. This is a book of mine. I'm not here to pitch it. I'm not here to sell it to our viewers. I just want to make clear that yes, you can change the title, but you have to make sure that the original book the subject matter is not under copyright protection. The reason I could take Napoleon Hill's book Think and Grow Rich and create a another book specifically for inventors is because this book is in the public domain, the copyright had expired. So the answer Nick is yes, you can, but be extremely careful. If you have questions I would send you I would strongly suggest you call my office schedule consultation, or shoot me an email and with the book title you're considering, and we'll be able to look into it for you


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