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July 17, 2023
John Rizvi, Esq.

Can Software Be Patented? How Long Does It Take to Get a Software Patent?

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Fair enough, fair enough. Next question is for is from Razi. F he would like to know how long it normally takes to acquire a software patent. And is and how is his patent pending idea protected? Okay, so and you said Razzie Razi F. Okay. raazi F, your first of all, congratulations for realizing that software is patentable. I can't tell you how many times I run across inventors that only come to my office after seeing competitors selling something similar to what they have. And then they want to stop that competitor. And I tell them that they don't have a patent and why didn't they file a patent on their software? And their answer most of the time is that I thought patents were for physical products. I didn't know you could patent software. So Razia, you're you're a step ahead of the game, you absolutely can patent software, it has to be done a specific way. I have a booklet on software patents and Jenny is one of our panelists if you have that book, handy if you can bring it into my office and I'll show it on screen. But Rosie, if you write to write to my office and write to Vicki my paralegal Oh, here it is perfect. So Vicki at the patent, I'll send you a copy of the software guide. It's written in plain English for the inventor who's not an attorney, and that has software they want to protect you absolutely can protect software. Your question, one of your questions were how long does it take? I have bad news for you software is one of the slowest

part prior art units at the patent office to grant patents so it's not going to be granted right away. You're looking at about three years to get a software patent. The beauty is once you file your you're protected and you don't have to keep the idea confidential. So once you file then you can start marketing you can start sales you can speak to investors in venture capitalists

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